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Threadbare Riches

Writer's picture: Lisa LivezeyLisa Livezey

This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night. – Joshua 1:8 (RSV)

One belonged to my grandmother, one was my mom's, and one is mine. The heritage of reading the Holy Bible is passed down through the generations. Notes in the margins, verses underlined, well-worn pages – all signifying hours spent seeking the Lord amidst life's ups and downs. May the legacy of Bible reading continue!


Lord, thank you for the light and comfort that comes from reading Your Words in Scripture, and for those who set godly examples for us.


"The Holy Scriptures are our letters from home." // St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430)


Is Bible reading a regular part of your life? Try it for 21 days.


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Announcing the $2.99 e-book Unbound Unpacked by Neal Lozano!! I was blessed to help produce this "cliff-notes" version of Unbound ministry, a prayer model which is practiced worldwide.



© 2025 by Lisa Livezey.
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