Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye forth to meet him. –Matthew 25:6 (DRB)

It was bitterly cold as we stood together in the darkness. The crowd grew steadily, all looking eastward in anticipation. We were awaiting the rising of the sun.
In the same way, we now gather with other seekers, turning our eyes eastward as we await the Son who came as a babe and offers us so great a salvation.
Join me, friends, and let us welcome Him together.

O Morning Star, splendour of light eternal and sun of righteousness: Come and enlighten those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death. ("O Oriens"- the O Antiphon for Dec.21)
You are my Sun, O! Christ of Calvary, You beautify the whole of life for me;
The gleaming dawn makes all the shadows flee, I now have sight where once I could not see; Your gracious Life upon my path sheds light, To cherish you is my supreme delight; The Hallelujah has possessed my soul, To you, O! Christ, I give my praises all.
//J. Henry Griffeths (Pantyfedwen, Welsh and English Hymns and Anthems, #98)
How can I go out of my way today to welcome the Son?
Note: Today's devotion is third in a series featuring images from my recent Grand Canyon trip along with quotes from my favorite hymn book, Welsh and English Hymns and Anthems.

"I loved every page. I find it helped me to reflect on my last few months with Tony in a different way. Lisa's thoughtful treatment of each situation encourages me to live in the moment more recognizing that every experience comes with eternal significance if we take the time to notice."
~ Cathy Witczak – Worldwide Marriage Encounter International Leader 2009-2014