Make a way for him who ascendeth upon the west: the Lord is his name.
– Psalm 68:4 (DRB)

Whether this astounding natural wonder known as Grand Canyon occurred gradually over the millennia or resulted from a catastrophic event, we know the ultimate creator was the Rock of Ages. I was heartened to see the Canyon's author praised - in a cleft at trail's end, at a place called "Hermit's Point."
Praise be to You, Lord God of the heavens and earth. Your glory and wonder exceed human capacity to comprehend.
Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe/On this terrestrial ball/On this terrestrial ball/ To Him all majesty ascribe/And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him Lord of all // E. Perronet (Diadem, Welsh and English Hymns and Anthems, p. 14)
In what small way can we point others to the Creator?
Note: Today's devotion is second in a series featuring Grand Canyon images and quotes from my favorite hymn book, Welsh and English Hymns and Anthems
Minding Mom: A Caregiver's Devotional Story:
"I loved every page. I find it helped me to reflect on my last few months with Tony in a different way. Lisa's thoughtful treatment of each situation encourages me to live in the moment more recognizing that every experience comes with eternal significance if we take the time to notice."
Cathy Witczak – Worldwide Marriage Encounter International Leader 2009-2014

A gift for the caregiver you know!