They are able to do all kinds of work and are skillful designers.
– Exodus 35:35 (GNT)
A plain item is used for a necessary task.

Add to the plain item a simple learned skill, an extra moment taken, and the basic can be made beautiful.

Click the arrow on the picture below:
Lord, rope me into creative ways to make daily tasks more beautiful. Open my mind to Your beauty and let my ordinary, everyday heart reflect You.
You must realise now, more clearly than ever, that God is calling you to serve Him in and from the ordinary, secular, and civil activities of human life. //St. Josemaria Escrivá
Is there a regular, necessary task in your routine that can be made more beautiful? Ask God to put ideas into your mind.
(photos: Lisa Livezey, "Line Art", video: Trevor Livezey)
This marks my 100th one-minute photo devotion posted on Olive Tree Blog!!
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I was blessed to help produce Unbound Unpacked, by Neal Lozano.
This clergy-oriented synopsis of Unbound prayer ministry is a 40-minute read via e-book and provides Neal's two talks, given in May 2024, in Rome.