The eyes of the LORD roam over the whole earth, to encourage those who are devoted to him wholeheartedly. – 2 Chronicles 16:9 (NAB)

I spy with my little eye the London Eye, the world's tallest cantilevered observation wheel of its time. Through the aircraft window I see it, stationed alongside the Thames River below the clouds – a seeming toy when looking down from above.
God's great Eye sees the London Eye, even beneath cloud cover. God sees my little eye, but more importantly my heart. He looks over the whole earth seeking hearts that are true to Him.
Lord, as You search the earth, please find my eye looking for You and my heart open to You.
Lord, take me from myself and give me to yourself. // St. Catherine of Siena
When the Lord looks over the whole earth and His Eye rests on You, what does He see? Let us together open our hearts wide towards Him.
(photo: Lisa Livezey, "I Spy Eye.")
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I was blessed to help produce
by Neal Lozano.
This clergy-oriented synopsis
of Unbound prayer ministry
is a 40-minute read and
provides Neal's two talks,
given in May 2024, in Rome.

"If you are a caregiver for someone in your life, this book is for you."
~ Amanda Lauer, caregiver and author