My friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable. — Philippians 4:8 (GNT)

Someone wrote heartening messages on the sugar canisters at the local convenience store. They added sweetness to my coffee experience, highlighting the value of encouragement.
I wondered while reading these messages, how might I offer an encouraging word to someone today? As Christians, we have lifegiving words to offer - words that can make an eternal difference in someone's life.
Lord, help us to be Your instruments of encouragement and peace. Spur us to spread messages of hope and cheer and to point others toward You.
Let your speech be brief and savory. // St. Ephraem the Syrian (c. 306-373)
Will you be spending time with others today? Ask the Lord to make your words and innermost thoughts pleasing in His sight (Ps. 19:14). Happy Thanksgiving!
It's here!!! You can download Minding Mom: A Caregiver's Devotional Story for FREE through Sunday, December 1st. Go to the following link and click on eBOOK. Enjoy!

Check out my recent conversation with Neal Lozano about The Father's Blessing
on the Open Doors podcast